Ear tumors can develop in the middle ear (glomus tympanicum), inner ear (acoustic neuroma), or outer ear (skin cancer). Although most ear tumors are benign (not malignant), hearing loss may result from them. Mohs surgery, radiation therapy, radiosurgery, and surgery are among the available treatments. A mass or lump of abnormal cells that develops in the ear is called an ear tumor. Most ear tumors are not malignant or benign. However, some ear tumors are cancerous, or malignant. Any part of the ear, including the middle, outer, and inner ears, is susceptible to ear tumor formation. It could impair your hearing. Cysts are tiny sacs that frequently hold fluid. They could possess solid material as well. Most cysts do not have cancer. Solid masses of tissue that may or may not be malignant are called tumors.
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